Submit your Ventnor FC Player Profile

Submit your Ventnor FC Player profile

Submit your Ventnor FC player profile below by completing and submitting the form below.


Submit your Ventnor FC Player Profile

You can submit your Ventnor FC player profile by completing and submitting the form below.

Your profile will be revised and then published on the Ventnor FC Players page.

Please DO NOT swear in your profile submissions – we cannot publish this online on the website and does not give a good impression of the club and the players

Image profile picture: where you wish you can submit a player profile picture (as an upload in the form).

Image copyright: Images supplied as profile pictures are uploaded by the players themselves, with a declaration that they own the copyright to the images they have provided, or have the permission of the photographer/copyright holder. Where you are using the work of others, please ensure you have their permission and credit them accordingly.

Where you submit a copyrighted image you are absolving Ventnor FC of any liability from the copyright holder or any associated third-party making a claim for copyright infringement for use and publication of the image.

Ventnor FC Player Profile

This is NOT published on your profile – it’s purely to allow the website admin to contact you if we need clarification on your profile content.
Please upload a profile pic or selfie (pleasure ensure you own the copyright or have the permission of the photographer when using an image). Where you have the permission of the photographer, please provide a credit below. By uploading an image you are stating you own the copyright to the image or have the permission of the copyright holder. Where you submit a copyrighted image you are absolving Ventnor FC of any liability from the copyright holder or any associated third-party making a claim for copyright infringement for use and publication of the image.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
Where you are using an image created by a photographer (professional or amateur) please provide a credit (please ensure you have their permission before uploading and using their work).
Photographer’s website (where applicable)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Please note, unless otherwise stated all player profiles are as provided and submitted by the players themselves. Images supplied as profile pictures are uploaded by the players themselves, with a declaration that they own the copyright to the images they have provided, or have the permission of the photographer/copyright holder.

Ventnor FC


Ventnor FC

Watcombe Bottom, Whitwell Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1LP